The Node object is the primary data type for the entire DOM.
节点对象是整个DOM中 最主要的数据类型.
互联网Primary data can be collected in four ways; observation, focus groups, surveys and experiment.
收集初级资料的方法有四种: 观察 、 专题讨论 、 问卷调查和实验.
互联网The incongruities in an ensemble are the primary data of experience.
互联网The wollastonite in ceramics application, mostly is takes the ceramic body the primary data use.
硅灰石在陶瓷中的应用, 大多是作为陶瓷坯体的主要原料使用.
互联网Using storage medium primary data memory each kind classification of analysis result.
互联网State when you need to use secondary and primary data.
互联网The primary data suggests that there is a slowdown in this market.
互联网Primary data are gathered using a survey, observation, or an experiment.
原始数据要通过调查 、 观测和试验的方法来获取.
互联网Primary data is data obtained from primary sources, ie directly in the marketplace.
主要数据是从主要来源获得数据, 也就是直接地从市场获取的.
互联网Your primary data looks good, we'd like to see a more thorough analysis.
你的初级资料看来不错, 但我们想看看更彻底的分析报告.
互联网Market share is therefore very important 2 Market research data consists of primary data and secondary data.
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